Tuesday, January 17, 2006

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

The human body is one freaky organism.
Just read a story linked on Fark from a Moscow (and not the one in Tennessee) newspaper telling the story of a Russian man named Igor (now that's no surprise)having a tumor removed from his back.
It turns out Igor's "tumor" was really a twin brother that his body absorbed in the womb and had been hauling around for 35 years. It seems the "tumor/brother" had feet and arms.
Check out the pic with the story to see the tiny, weird appendages.
The "tumor/brother" has some freaky toes similar to my partner's tootsies.
This little piggy joined the carnival, lived next to the Bearded Lady and the Geek and cried "WEE WEE WEE " all the way home.


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