Monday, January 30, 2006

Tankers full of oily cash

XX-rated greed.

Make that EXXON-rated greed and greed is good if you're in the oil bidness.

On Monday, Exxon Mobile released a grossly exorbitant figure for its quarterly profit.
$10.7 Billion.
No, that's not a typo, that's a B as in Billion.
Also note that the $10.7 Billion is the profit acquired from us, the American consumer, over the span of one quarter, a.k.a. 3 months, not a whole year.
Add that $10.7 billion to Exxon's profits in the other three quarters and you come up with a figure that amazingly reaches an incredible $36.13 billion, a 42 percent rise over Exxon's profits in 2004. According to a
Reuter's story, the $36.13 billion annual profit is bigger than the economies of 125 of the 184 countries ranked by the World Bank.

Exxon is also still trying to wrangle its way out of paying the fines it was assessed after the Valdez crash that soaked an entire coastline in slime. They've probably already paid enough in lawyers' fees trying to get out of taking care of their mistake they could have covered a pretty big chunk of their fine.
Greed, greed, greed.
What would Jed Clampett think of this sort of bubblin' crud?


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