Monday, March 13, 2006

Hoop de doo

Huzzah! Huzzah!
It's over. I may finally recover some semblance of my so-called "normal" life. At least what I consider normal. Yes, there's plenty of room to point fingers and judge and throw rotten fruits and vegetables at my "normal," but I won't let that stop me from raving about the chance to hang out with my hounds and Newscoma and watch reality TV (I'm digging this bunch of Survivors and Racers! yep indeedy)
Yes, all my high school basketball teams have finally ended their seasons. Suddenly they started dropping faster than Bush's approval rating. (36 percent, yippee.)

Each and every team ended with a devastating loss. Tears were shed and guarantees of "wait until next year" were bandied about. I love it when they bandy.
After spending the last five weeks traipsing from the Kentucky/Tennessee state line down to near Memphis repeatedly then all the way over to middle Tennessee a couple of times, I can finally be home for dinner more than one night a week.
Set an extra plate at the table, hon. I'll be home for supper.


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