Saturday, February 11, 2006

Locusts hit the stores

The dreaded snows struck West Tennessee, paralyzing the area with its overwhelming, powdery downfall.

Yes, all measly one-and-a-half inches have brought the area to its knees.

While events were cancelled and lives reorganized to accomodate the wintery intruder Mr. Snow, local denizens still managed to drive across the frozen tundra to the local grocery and clear the shelves of all bread and milk.

I've never understood this phenomenon. The crazed shopper forging her way through the "terrible" driving conditions to buy slices of bread and gallons of milk. As if they were going to be stranded in their homes for weeks on end with nothing to spread their peanut butter and jelly upon nor any liquid to wash it down their gullets.

Yes, the roads were a bit slushy yesterday, but already the roads are clear and life as we know it has continued.

All despite the hoarding of grocery staples.


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